Frequently Asked Questions
How can I join the Library?
Where is the Library?
When are you open?
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 1pm
Closed public holidays, follow us on Facebook for updates.
How much do books cost?
Ebooks - No charge
Audiobooks - No charge
Non Fiction - No charge
New Rental Fiction - $2
Rental Fiction - No charge to $1
Large Print - No charge
Book Reservation - $1
Interloan $10
How do I renew my books?
Login Online
- Follow the link above to our website
- Log in using your library card number eg B00012345
- Use the password kaikoura then log in
- Now you are all set!
Login with our Library App
- Go to your App or Play store and download the Liberty Link app
- Under the setup tab enter our library web address
- Your user name is your library number eg B00012345
- Use the password kaikoura to login
What happens if my library books are overdue or lost?
Our library doesn't charge overdue fines.
To save sending out reminders, if you need items longer than the three week issue period please renew them.
If you have overdue books, we will send out 3 reminders to return your books and to let you know the price of the items for your information if they are lost, damaged or not returned.
If after three months these items have not been returned you will be invoiced for the replacement cost and a $25 administration fee.
Ideally we would much rather work with you to resolve lost, or damaged items so please come in and have a chat to us.
Do you have eBooks
Does the library have Wi-Fi?
If you are visiting us at the library you can enjoy our free Wi-Fi provided by Aoteoroa Peoples Network Kaharoa (APNK).
There is also free town Wi-Fi available from the northern end of West End, up Beach Road almost to the Top 10 Holiday Park and in the carpark behind Coopers Catch (on West End). There is 1GB per device per day and the speed is 10mbs.
Can I do printing at the library?
Yes, you can print, scan and laminate at the library.
Printing Black and White - A4 $0.20 A3 $0.40
Printing Colour - A4 $2 A3 $4
Scanning - No charge
Laminating - A4 $1.50 A3 $3
You can also email your printing to us at payment to be made on pickup.
What happens if I lose my library card?
Lose or Break?
If you lose your library card or it gets broken there will be a small fee of $5 to replace it.
Worn out?
For a few of our long standing patrons, your card may be wearing out, in this case we will replace your card free of charge.
Do you need a Justice of the Peace?
Stu Burrows 03 319 7194
Ari Boyd 027 681 8184
Graham Collins 03 319 5490
MaryClare Hampton 03 319 6056
Amelia Holman 03 261 1067
Thora Lawson 03 319 5104
Danny Smith 03 319 5869
Joe Van Rooyen 03 319 5178
Neroli Gold 03 319 7169
Tina Stringer 027 358 2707