Mayor & Councillors
Kaikōura District Council has 7 members plus the Mayor. There are no community boards. This page contains contact information for all Council members.

Front Row L-R: Cllr Lisa Bond, Cllr Vicki Gulleford, Mayor Craig Mackle, Deputy Mayor Julie Howden, Cllr Kevin Heays
Back Row L-R: Cllr John Diver, Cllr Robbie Roche, Council CEO Will Doughty, Cllr Tony Blunt

Mayor Craig Mackle
- Phone: 0274 375 640
- Email:
A born and bred local and genuine person, Craig is a well-known and respected character in Kaikōura. Married to Ingrid and Father of three, Craig is well immersed in our community and aware of local needs, challenges and opportunities.
Craig has been on Council for over 10 years with the past four as Mayor. “I’m really proud of how we have transformed this Council, in this era, to meet the challenges raised by unprecedented times. We are more connected with our community and far more responsive to community needs”.
“I’ve got a good grasp of where we need to be heading and we are on the eve of huge changes. We need to adapt to these changing circumstances, in order to leave us in a better position“.
Presiding member of Kaikōura Highschool Board
Kaikōura Aquatic Centre Trustee
Mayoral Task Force For Jobs
Finance Audit Risk
Pensioner Cottages
Works & Services
CEO performance review
Canterbury Mayoral Forum & associated

Deputy Mayor Julie Howden
- Phone: 0275 432 559
- Email:
With four terms serving the community on Council, the past three as Deputy Mayor, Julie has helped steer Kaikoura through some challenging and interesting times.
Julie has experience in business ownership, management, and 15 years on school board trustees between Picton and Kaikoura which have contributed to her vast community knowledge and skill set.
Julie embraces the opportunity to make a positive difference in the community. She has a personal objective to enhance wellbeing and help Kaikoura move forward so our community can live in a better place.
With a digestible common-sense approach, Julie works through issues that arise in a collaborative and uncomplicated manner.
Julie and her Husband raised their three boys here and love the sense of togetherness, community and stunning natural environment.
Works & services
Finance Audit & Risk
Destination Kaikoura Council Rep
Aging Well
CEO Performance Review

Councillor Lisa Bond
- Phone: 021 149 2109
Lisa has lived in Kaikōura for over 35 years with the majority of this time working in local tourism. After completing High school in Kaikōura, Lisa worked as a whale watching guide & skipper, working her way up to Marketing Manager, gleaning considerable knowledge about local tourism along the way.
Lisa is currently Destination Manager for Destination Kaikōura.
With a passion for seeing our community move forward, she is in her third term as a District Councillor. Lisa is motivated by the opportunity to be a voice for positive change supporting this place we love to call home.
“The beauty that greets us every day, from the mountains to the sea and everything in between’’ is just a part of what Lisa loves about Kaikōura.
Works and services
Creative Communities Scheme
Community Initiatives
George Low Trust
Sports NZ Rural Travel Fund
Kaikōura Community Op Shop Chairperson
The Mayfair Arts & Cultural Centre

Councillor John Diver
- Phone: 0274 359 143
With over 18 years’ experience as an elected member, 6 years as deputy Mayor and having previously served as Community Board member for 2 years, John brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the table.
John is a registered electrical inspector level 4, who has lived in Kaikōura for over 42 years and raised a family here with his Wife.
Community involvement is important to John, who has a hand in projects and causes such as Meals on Wheels, Youth Sports and the new Aquatic Centre development.
Promoting the development of an industrial area, supporting businesses, overseeing financial prudence, and connecting with our community with open, honest, and transparent dialogue are all desirable outcomes for our Council and community that John is proud to support.
Works and services
Finance Audit And Risk
District planning
Rural travel fund
Creative communities
liquor licensing
First responders civil defense

Councillor Vicki Gulleford
- Phone: 027 564 8407
- Email:
Vicki has lived in Kaikōura since 1994 and is in her second term as an elected member.
She has experience in not-for-profit community work with Te Whare Putea and Barnardos Kaikōura. She worked as a case manager for Work and Income for many years.
Currently a coordinator for Te Hā o Mātauranga, she connects with a variety of people in our community.
Vicki is experienced and passionate about advocating for others. As a mother, partner, daughter and councillor, Vicki feels inspired to help shape our community for the benefit of all.
Vicki loves being part of a supportive & close community. “We know each other, we care about each other. We make up a beautiful wee community that I’m proud to call home.”
Works and Services
District Licensing – Chair
George Low Trust
Sport NZ Rural Travel Fund
Community Initiatives
Creative Communities Scheme
Finance, Audit and Risk
Kaikōura Youth Council
CEO Performance Review

Councillor Tony Blunt
- Phone: 03 319 5568
- Email:
With a B.Com in Agriculture from Lincoln University, 25 years farming he and Angela's farm,1987 National Young Farmers Pentathlon Team member, Skellerup Young Farmer of the year 1991, 25 years as North Canterbury Federated Farmers Kaikōura contact person and 25 years raising his family, Kaikōura born and raised Tony Blunt knows a thing or two about the Kaikōura district.
A KDC Councillor for the past ten years, Tony brings much experience to the table.
Tony says he enjoyed being a part of the hugely successful earthquake recovery/rebuild, and ongoing projects. He loves working with a great team of councillors and council staff.
“I have been lucky enough to work and travel all over New Zealand and the world & New Zealand is by far the best country in the world, and our district is the best part of it.
Works and services
North Canterbury Rural Support Trust (25 yrs)
Ecan Kaikōura water Zone (12 yrs)

Councillor Robby Roche
- Phone: 027 534 9557
- Email:
Robby has a very person centered approach to his role of Councillor, considers himself a good listener and is currently in his second term.
With a love for Kaikōura, care and appreciation for our unique environment, Robby doesn’t hold back from asking the tough questions and advocates for our community’s wants and visions.
Robby delivers stopping violence programs through RISE and facilitates men’s focus groups and is based at Te Hā o Mātauranga.
Robby is also a local driving instructor, a family man and is well known in our community.
“I love Kaikōura, there’s something special about this place. The environment is unique but so too are the people. I am proud to live here”
Works and Services
Housing Forum
Dark Skies
Pensioners Flats
Te Whare Putea Board
Kaikōura Water Zone (D.C)

Councillor Kevin Heays
- Phone:
- Email:
Local Highschool teacher, local radio DJ, a six-year term as Mayor and the past three as an elected member means Kevin is a well-known character in these parts, who brings a huge amount of community awareness and expertise to the team.
“Every working position I have held has been around working with people and that, I believe, is my greatest contribution to the role of Councilor.
Everyone deserves to be listened to.
Listening to our community and communicating that to council and the wider public is a passion of mine-and one which I am proud to have.
Living, working, and loving in Kaikōura can be sometimes expensive and isolated but our people and our environment mitigate those things on a daily basis.
I don’t want to be anywhere else!”
Works and Services - Chair
Wakatu Quay Advisory
Regional Climate Change Working Group
Canterbury Waste - Joint
Community Footpath Working Group
CEO Performance Review