Kaikōura Business Park – Plan Change 4 Decision
Plan Change 4 Light Industrial Park
The purpose of Plan Change 4 is to facilitate the rezoning of the site to a new Light Industrial Zone. The new zone will be incorporated into the Kaikōura District Plan as a new chapter, and will include issues, objectives, policies, methods, rules and consequential changes to the definitions, subdivision sections and appendices of the Kaikōura District Plan.
The subject site is 21.9Ha in area and is located on the corner of State Highway 1 and the Inland Kaikōura Road at 69 Inland Kaikōura Road. The site is legally described as Lot 2 DP 501321 and approved Lot 20 SU-2021-1765-00.
The Proposal
Key Stages
The Plan Change was notified on 28th September 2023. A total of 114 submissions were received.
View the Summary of Submissions.
Further Submissions
A further submissions period was open till 7th December 2023. 18 further submissions were received.
All further submissions were withdrawn ahead of the Hearing, which commenced on 25th March 2024.
A hearing was held on 25th-26th March 2024, which was facilitated by a panel of five independent commissioners. Further information was requested as a result of the hearing, and the hearing formally closed on 26th April 2024.
All hearing materials, including statements of evidence, further evidence and legal agreement can be viewed here: https://www.kaikoura.govt.nz/council/public-notices/closed-public-notices/3business-park-2
Following the hearing, the Commissioners recommended Plan Change 4 for adoption on 22nd May 2024.
The Committee’s recommendation to adopt the Plan Change was resolved at Council on 29th May 2024.
A 30 working day appeal period will commence on Thursday 6th June and will end at 5pm on Friday 19th July 2024. Any appeal must be made on the prescribed form 34 under Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991.
What does this mean for me?
Under Section 14 of the RMA, any submitters and the applicants are able to appeal the Plan Change. Any party wishing to do so will need to seek independent legal advice about options to appeal.
If you are wishing to develop new light industrial activities with the new zone, assuming no appeals are received and subject to performance standards, this should be able to occur from 1st August 2024 (when the Plan Change is to become operative).
If you have any questions about the project and new zone, please contact planning@kaikoura.govt.nz